• Recap of April Meeting in DeWitt


    Called to Order: John Fitzsimmons called the meeting to order at 9:35 AM.

    Minutes: The minutes were e-mailed out and some hard copies were available. Cathie had a few
    corrections- Don Grant’s name should be changed to Don Kent in 2 places. The newspaper cited on the first page under introductions is the DeWitt Observer. On the 2nd to the last page, it should read  1921 pavement, not 1913 pavement. With those corrections noted, there was a motion and a second to
    approve the minutes. Motion passed.

    Treasurer’s Report: It was moved and seconded to approve the report. Motion carried.
    Membership Report: Dean Parr was not at the meeting. The figures are up 2, for a total of 284. We have 24 Complementary, 23 IMM, 56 Iowa only, 12 Lifetime, and 169 National. Iowa still has the most
    members of any state.

    State Director Update: Dean was not at the meeting, but did forward a Proclamation from Denison for
    National Conference Days. Joyce will hang that in the museum. Dean sent in a report:
    Future conferences. 2018 Islen, New Jersey; 2019 Rock Springs, WY; 2020 Jolliet, IL.
    Board of Directors Election Results – it was reported that voting-by-mail results were tabulated for the six directors’ positions expiring at the 2017 Board meeting. The new terms run until 2020. Three incumbent State Directors were re-elected: Parr (IA), Focke (NE), and Peppers (NY); three At-Large
    Directors were re-elected: Suen (#1), Jackson (#2) and Colson (#4). The new Director of Ohio is Scott
    Little replacing Rosemary Rubin. All candidates ran unopposed and each received between 52 and 55
    votes of the membership.

    Officers – it was reported that the current slate of officers was re-nominated without opposition and
    each agreed to continue in their posts for another year: President – Shelton; Vice-President- Brian Suen; Treasurer – Paul Schubert; Secretary – John Jackson; Field Secretary – Russell Rein. Bob Dieterich agreed to continue as Executive Advisor.

    Director at Large Report: Van not at the meeting.

    Membership Brochure: New brochure was available at the Conference.

    Merchant Membership: Please go out and sell within your counties. Joyce has stickers if you need some for the business windows. John reports that Story County still has no members.
    Newsletter Report: Please send in articles, events and photos. They can also be used on the website. If
    you have photos from the conference, we could use and put them in our files.

    Website Report: Same as above for newsletter. We should be asking for content in a few weeks.

    2017 Iowa Motor Tour Update: Bryan sent in a report. Tour is Aug 18-20 (pre tour is Aug 17). Right now there are 10 autos pre-registered, about half of what he had last year at this time. Hoping for a few more by the time the tour begins. The tour will be starting in Sioux City and ending in Grand Junction, going through the Loess Hills into Nebraska and south to Blair, NE and then to Council Bluffs. Then taking the LH to Missouri Valley, on to Carroll (with many stops along the way) for our Banquet and door prizes. Sunday is the finish in Grand Junction with lunch and goodbyes as the finish to the 2017 tour.

    National Conference: Jeannie sent in a report. Since she and Dean will not be able to attend the July
    meeting due to family obligations in Colorado, she would appreciate this message being conveyed to the conference committee. “A heartfelt thank-you to all of you that served on our committee. It is because of your willingness and dedication that our conference was a successful as it was. I constantly asked attendees how they felt it was going, were they enjoying themselves and did they feel it was a good conference? All ever heard was ‘It’s going great’ and ‘YES!’ All of us can proudly give ourselves a pat on the back! Of course, we had a few glitches, but nothing we couldn’t handle. Dean and I both want to thank you for all your support. (And I can proudly announce that we are still
    happily married. Whew! LOL)” Dean sent in a letter he received from the National LHA and President Kay Shelton stating the Iowa Chapter is receiving $3,000 from their Endowment Fund. The letter and notification of the award was announced at the Conference. We need to send in a letter to request it the funding before the check will be issued.

    Art Award during the Conference
    There were 2 entrants in the art contest. There were to be 3 cash awards of $100, $75, and $50 to the
    top 3 winners. Joyce does have participation certificates, but was unsure what prize should be given.
    After some discussion, it was decided to give each of them $85- by splitting the first and second place
    winnings between them. We could also give them a T-shirt for entering the contest. Joyce will get a
    photo of giving the students their award and we could publish it in our newsletter.

    Prairie Rivers of Iowa Corridor Management Plan: Jan said a project from the CMP has come to the forefront and a grant was written to ArtPlace America to fund the restoration of gas stations at Reed-
    Niland in Colo, Youngville at Hwy #218/Hwy #30 intersection, and Preston’s Garage/Station in Belle Plaine. Art, interpretation, oral histories, and electric charging stations will be added at all sites. The
    Byway has made it through the first portion of the grant round. They are 1 of 70 selected from about a
    thousand applicants. A site visit will happen in late July and the final application due in early August. If funded, the project could start in January 2018. The Prairie Rivers staff is continuing work on the Camping and Recreation Brochure. It should be completed soon. And they are working on research to complete an application for an ASCE Historical Civil Engineering Landmark Award.

    Highway Walkers Video: Bob would like to support this video effort and Lyell would like to have
    editorial voice if we are giving any funding to the project. Bob suggested a letter be drafted to offer help with content and encourage participation.

    New Business: Amber would like to join her brother and father in the presidency. She would help draft
    the agenda and write the president’s corner. John would lead the meetings. John was unsure when their term would be up since Sean had been moved into the position when Deb Rothmeyer resigned. Joyce will figure out the term dates. It was moved, seconded, and approved to have Amber as a tri-president. She filled out a membership application and paid her dues.

    Meredith’s contract with the LHA will end soon, but she is interested in continuing on until
    December. The group approved her staying on until the end of the year.

    County Reports

    Clinton County: Cathie brought the map of the proposed Wapsi Bridge project and is waiting to hear if
    the DNR is able to purchase land for the means. Across the road, to the north, that property owner rents the land to the Clinton County Conservation for the boat ramp/parking at a cost of $100. A mother and daughter own the 27 acres the DNR would like to purchase to the south. This area was known as the “sawtooth section” because of the route the highway took in the wetlands around the river.

    Cedar County: Joe sent in a report and says he just got a call from the owner of the Lincoln Hotel. It is
    officially back on the market, through a realtor. Price is reduced to $250,000 which includes all furniture, appliances, kitchenware, etc. Highway 30 four-lane expansion is under way to further bypass Mt. Vernon. It rejoins old 30 east of Lisbon in Cedar County.

    Linn County: No report.
    Benton County: No report.
    Tama County: Jan is working with the City of Tama to get grant funding to repair the Lincoln Highway
    Bridge. Besides the LHA grant, they have received $2,000 from the Tama Community Foundation Grant and $25,000 from the Mansfield Grant. They are awaiting a few more grant decisions before the project can begin.

    Marshall County: Harlan sent in his report. Marshall County’s Central Iowa Fair will be in full swing,
    starting next week and running from July 12 – 16 at the Marshall County Fairgrounds at 1308 East Olive Street, in Marshalltown. Events include 4-H and FFA demonstrations, projects, and livestock judging, plus a rodeo, truck pull, and daily activities and competitions for all ages.
    The Mid-Iowa Antique Power Association will be holding their 33rd Annual Steam Threshing & Plowing Show on Friday, August 4, through Sunday, August 6, at the MIA Power Association’s parade grounds at the Marshall County Sheriff’s Office. The show also features draft horses. The grounds are located at 2373 Jessup Avenue, which is 8 miles west of Marshalltown along U.S. Highway 30, or 5 miles east ofvState Center along U.S. Highway 30. The City of State Center continues its yearlong celebration for its 150th Anniversary with various community events, like the Rose Festival, held in June. Their next event will be the Sesquicentennial Incorporation Day Celebration on Saturday, August 26, featuring the burying of a special commemorative time capsule and the release of a commemorative State Center History Book, written by local State Center historian, Harlan Quick, and edited by Marcia Quick. Marshalltown is planning for its upcoming Oktemberfest celebration, set for Thursday, September 21, through Sunday, September 24. Activities include Friday evening’s Classic Car Show, Saturday morning’s Grande Parade, and Saturday afternoon’s Color Run and children’s activities. Unfortunately, Le Grand’s Pioneer Days celebration has been cancelled for this year, due to a lack of volunteers.

    Story County: No report from Scott. Colo Crossroads is this weekend. Jan reminded people of the Niland roll-ins on the 2nd Tuesdays from 5-7pm; July 11 and August 8. Lincoln Highway Days in Nevada is Aug 26th.

    Boone County: John talked about the new event in Boone called YesterBoone. He would like the ILHA to have a display of some kind during the event. It is September 29-October 1. There is a fee to enter and prizes will be awarded. Different venues will host the exhibits at their locations.
    The “footprint” interpretive panel was temporarily installed in an undeveloped pocket park on the main street in Ogden. They set it up in time for “Fun Days” with the concrete slab containing the footprints.

    Greene County: Bob pointed out an article in the Iowa Tourism magazine about Deal’s Orchard and
    wishes businesses and articles like this would promote “on the Lincoln Highway” in their tag lines. They could put that phrase on T-shirts, stationary, business cards, etc. Bob Owens has a cabin that used to be at Green Gables and would like to donate it somewhere in the future. He is storing tools in it right now. After some discussion, the group wondered if just south of RVP~1875 would be a good location. After some restoration, interpretation could be added and it would be just across the street from where it had been originally. Bob also has a LH pole that he will keep painted. John will keep doing them as he can. Joyce pointed out one on the bus tour that needed painted and someone liked the “aged” look of the paint job- so maybe put a clear coat over the top instead of re-painting.
    The interpretive panel has been installed at the Deep Rock in Jefferson. All report it looks nice.
    The Minnihan reunion (Jeanne Parr relatives) might help paint a school house they donated while they have their reunion in Greene County.

    Carroll County: Barbara reports the Carroll County Fair is this coming week. She has been catching up on her own things since the conference, but will head out to Crawford and Carroll County to sell merchant memberships. The Grant Road and Highway 30 intersection will be expanded and they will take part of the salvage place and all of Subway in the process. The City had asked her about interpretation before, but she feels it is such an unsafe intersection that she would hate to see anything happen as a result of someone pulling over to read a sign. Santa Maria has decided to concentrate on producing wine but will be available as an event center for meetings and programs. There is a new Italian restaurant just off the Lincoln Highway and it is excellent. A new brewery will be coming soon.

    Crawford County: No report.

    Harrison County: No report.

    Pottawattamie County: No report.

    The meeting was adjourned and Jay Hartz talked to the group after lunch and gave us a tour of the Hotel Pattee, the themed rooms, and the recently renovated 2-lane bowling alley.

    Next meetings:

    October 14, 2017 9:00 refreshments, meeting at 9:30 Youngville Café in Watkins- General Mtg
    January 13, 2018 Reed-Niland , Colo, Business Meeting

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