• National Lincoln Highway Conference Update

    National Lincoln Highway Conference

    June 20 – 24, 2017 : Denison, Iowa

    Written by: Jeannie Parr, 2017 Conference Coordinator, for the 2016 Winter Forum

    Greetings to all from the Iowa Chapter of the Lincoln Highway Association! Our whole chapter is eagerly waiting for the June 2017 and hosting the conference. We hope to see each of you there for what we believe is going to be an unforgettable conference. It has been a challenge to pick and choose what we will be presenting, but I firmly believe you will not be disappointed.

    The first day, of course, is registration. There will be fruit, meat and cheese platters available there and there will be an area where you can catch up with old friends and make new ones at the Boulders Conference Center. We urge you to get there early and after registering visit downtown Denison and shop, have lunch on your own (the ONLY meal not provided this time around) and explore to your heart’s content. The citizens of Denison look forward to meeting all of you fine folk and I hope you will show your appreciation by patronizing their businesses. The rest of the conference is full of things to do, so this may be the only time you’ll have on your own in Denison.

    Before I go on, rest assured that each motel offers a free breakfast.

    Wednesday morning is the group photo at 7:30a the Boulders Inn & Suite east. Please wear either the polo shirt or the tee shirt at this time. They will be available Tuesday noon until 5p in the book room.

    The conference has east and west tours both offering a few surprises and interesting facts along the tours while staying on as much of the original Lincoln Highway as is possible for the buses. And there’s a LOT of Lincoln Highway still accessible in Iowa! So, sit back, relax and plan on enjoying your time in Iowa. An open air musical performance to enjoy as you sit around a court house grounds or strolling and a surprise museum – are we still “driving you nuts” with this one? And once back in Denison, we invite you to a dinner at the fairgrounds both Wednesday and Thursday nights.

    Wednesday, we ask you to go back downtown and attend the Donna Reed Theatre. There will be a short tour of the museum there (no, not the one that’s “driving you nuts”), plus a showing of two shorts and one episode of the DONNA REED SHOW. We promise to get you back to your respective rooms fairly early, as Thursday is a very early morning call.

    After asking you to embrace farmers’ hours in the morning and entertaining you all day on an amazing bus tour (and we will no longer being “driving you nuts” that day), we invite you back to the fairgrounds for another amazing meal. And this time we won’t ask you to leave until you’re ready. We will have an awesome classic cars and tractors display (remember this is the “out of mud” state and tractors were used after horses), some “impromptu” entertainment – please bring your singing voices and a beer tent with adult beverages and soft drinks.

    The fourth day is our speakers’ day. We have some of the most remarkable people willing to share their thoughts, knowledge, antidotes and experiences about our beloved highway. You will not want to miss a single moment of that day. Then, we will have the Awards Dinner at Cronk’s. That is where we will also be having breakfast and the closing member meeting the next morning. And saying goodbye to our friends and wishing them a safe journey home.

    A word for those of you from large metropolis areas: Iowans are friendly. Do not take offense or become afraid when a complete stranger says hi. Or ask how you are doing. That’s just way we are – open, friendly, caring. If you look lost or confused, there is going to be someone there to help. But plan on to chat a few minutes, if you want. We love our state and welcome one and all.

    Those of you with special dietary needs, please indicate that on your registration forms. We have tried to alert all restaurants and food providers with gluten free, vegetarian requests, but we need an accurate number of those meals needed.

    Please visit the Iowa Chapter Lincoln Highway Association for recommended motels, bed and breakfasts and camping facilities. Iowa is hoping to see each and every one of you June 20 – 24, 2017. You will not want to miss this one!

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