2017 Newsletters

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Volume 22, No. 1 ( Spring ’17)

Volume 22, No. 2 (Summer ’17)

Volume 22, No. 3 (Fall ’17)

Volume 22, No. 4 (Winter ’17)

Cover for Iowa Lincoln Highway Association
Iowa Lincoln Highway Association

Iowa Lincoln Highway Association

The Greene County Lincoln Highway Association was formed in a 1991 effort to save the Eureka Bridge.

We would like to officially announce that the City of Tama, Iowa is going forward with an alternate traffic route of 5th St to continue to protect the Lincoln Highway Bridge! Construction of the alternate route is to begin in April with work to be done by PK Construction. The route will curve around the bridge area on the west and connect to Business 30 on the north. There will no longer be access to the bridge by vehicles. A core team has been assembled to discuss a future resolution for the bridge.Thank you for your support and patience on this important part of the Lincoln Highway story as we work through details. Lincoln Highway Association Lincoln Highway@followers ... See MoreSee Less
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Mark your alarms and get your email to attend this quarterly meeting by Zoom Saturday morning!No gas needed for our next ILHA meeting on January 11, 2025. The meeting will be via ZOOM beginning at 9:30 am. A link will be emailed to Consuls and Officers. If you are not a Consul or Officer and wish to join, please notify Mary Helen Preston (mary@prestonsstation.com) and she will provide you with the link. If you are unable to join through your computer, you can join by phone. You will need the dial-in number and code. Hope you all can join and don't forget to bring your own coffee (pants are optional)! 📞☕ ... See MoreSee Less
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